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Review by AppleInsider
My favorite thing though is because it's removing that pressure from your face. You don't have to use the light shield. With the light Shield removed you can see a little bit about what's going on around you which I find super helpful.
A Story with Emily Olman
Emily Olman, CEO of Hopscotch Interactive, was reported by the New York Post that she suffered two “superdark black eyes” after wearing the Vision Pro for the first time.
Upon learning of her issue, our product team promptly reached out to Emily and mailed her a sample unit. Let's hear what's her experience and feedback after using this comfort head strap.
Opinion from Ben Geskin
Ben is a well-known and influential tech enthusiast in the VR field, we're proud to receive his honest and professional review.
Born from Community
ANNAPRO was born from the community and will continue to thrive with the community. We came together from all corners of the world with a single purpose: to build something that improves our daily lives, even in small ways.
What They Say
This is really something I think Apple should have shipped the Vision Pro with, it certainly allows for more flexibility and a solution for folks who just don't like that pressure on your face.
@BrianFrey1I can immediately tell I think I'm going to like this, being able to use the stock strap and this forehead mount here to allow this to float right in my vision, this feels really nice.
@himelstechI actually feel a HUGE improvement, I would say if you wear it without the light shield and you're able to adjust it, it takes almost all of the weight off, maybe 80%.
@HopscotchInteractiveAs primeiras impressões são boas, e é como eu falei: o produto mais formatado que eu já viser lançado aqui para resolver esse que talvez seja um dos grandes pontos negativos dessa primeira geração do Apple Vision Pro.
@MacMagazine出張先でApple Vision Proを使用して作業です。ANNAPROで重心をおでこにかけつつ、バッテリーをカウンターウェイトにすることで顔への負担が90%減くらいするのでマストアイテム化しそう。
@key11thI even tried it without the seal feels more like the magic leap. If your wearing it for more then 30-40mins this is def worth ponying up for!
@MrPatrick2022La correa ANNAPRO A1 transforma el uso del Apple Vision Pro, reduciendo la presión en la cabeza y mejorando la comodidad. ¡Perfecta para largas jornadas de trabajo u ocio!
@applesferaThis is definitely a good quality and durable headstrap and I would definitely recommend it. I use my VP to watch movies and this is the first time ever I am able to watch 3 hour movies without any interruption.
@FirefighterFun1948One of my favorite use cases for the Vision Pro is conference calls on the go! Work call in the airport lounge before the flight. Also loving the ANNAPRO comfort strap, makes it much more comfortable for the long calls.
@tipatatI just got the ANNAPRO comfort head strap. This is a game changer. Removing the lightseal, Vision Pro feels so light.
@ClimbInsideGameI bought this head strap and IT WORKS! It's still heavy, but it takes all the pressure off my temples and cheekbones which was causing pain.